Monday, November 4, 2013

Is my consultation confidential?

During the consultation with a lawyer, there is a degree of respect and professionalism that the lawyer will uphold in the meeting. Regardless if you and the lawyer decide to work with each other, when engaging in a professional legal relationship, everything discussed with the lawyer in a private meeting remains confidential.

For example, John has a consultation with a lawyer regarding a violent crime. He discusses the situation in detail with the lawyer, but ultimately chooses to go with a different attorney. However, everything that was discussed with John and the previous lawyer is still between them and protected by the attorney-client privilege and that lawyer cannot provide any information regarding their conversation to the new lawyer, law enforcement, trial proceedings, or anyone for that matter.

Because the consultations are completely confidential and privileged, you can feel free to discuss important (and even uncomfortable) points in more detail. Providing as much pertinent information as possible to the lawyer will allow him/her to give you helpful legal guidance regarding the proceedings.

For more questions or concerns regarding lawyer help and services, contact the Riverside County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service.

If your matter is not in Riverside, try these alternatives:

The materials in this blog are for informational purposes only, and are not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or current, and should not be relied on as legal advice. You should consult with a lawyer if you need help with a legal matter and not rely on anything you read on this blog or elsewhere on the web.

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