Thursday, May 15, 2014

Alternatives to in-person communication: Emails and Phone Calls

When going through the legal process, having open and strong communication is paramount. If you have a complicated matter, it may be preferred that you meet with the lawyer in person. However, due to conflicting schedules, locations, and other obstacles, meeting in-person may not be a viable option.  

During your initial consultation with the lawyer, if you know that there are going to be barriers that may prevent you from meeting him/her in person, ask if discussing the legal matter through email or phone would be suitable alternatives.

Email communication

With so many changes in technology, communicating via the internet has become the norm. Some people are hesitant about discussing legal matters through email as such discussions are confidential and are documented; however, using email as a form of communication with your lawyer has its benefits.

If you have a quick, non-urgent inquiry or concern, using email is a good way to get a response from the lawyer without inconvenience. You can ask questions when you need to and the lawyer will respond accordingly. Also, keeping your emails is a helpful reference for your communication. If the lawyer explained how to go about doing paperwork or gave you some advice, you can refer back to the email.
Be sure to check with your lawyer about what should and should not be discussed in email. Some matters are too complicated and can be misconstrued through emails.

Phone communication

Using the phone as the primary mode of communication is helpful in many regards. This is especially helpful the lawyer’s office is out of the way, if you are out of town, unable to travel, etc. If there is a matter that you want to discuss in more detail with the lawyer, you can schedule a phone meeting with him/her. These kinds of conversations are helpful in maintaining a close, professional relationship with the attorney.

Contact the Riverside LRS to see how we can help

If you have more questions or concerns regarding communicating with your lawyer, contact the Riverside LRS to see how we can help. If your legal matter is not in Riverside, consider talking to one of these other Lawyer Referral Services:

The materials in this blog are for informational purposes only, and are not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or current, and should not be relied on as legal advice. You should consult with a lawyer if you need help with a legal matter and not rely on anything you read on this blog or elsewhere on the web.

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