Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Issues that arise with tenants and landlords

Do you have a legal issue with a tenant or landlord? The Riverside Lawyer Referral Service may be able to help.

Both tenants and landlords have an obligation to each other to respect each other’s rights. The landlord cannot discriminate against prospective tenants because of ethnicity, gender, disability etc.; however, the landlord does have the right to obtain credit history from the potential tenant to ensure that he/she is financially capable of paying the rent. Likewise, the landlord is responsible to maintain the rented site and provide safe living conditions for the tenant.

Disputes that may arise between the landlord and tenant can be very expensive and have lasting results. For example, if a landlord does not fix a leak that is in the residence, the leak may lead to mold, causing the tenant to get sick. Or, the tenant may have cause significant damage to the property prior to moving out, leaving the landlord with large expenses to fix the issue.

If you have an issue with a landlord or tenant, contact us so that we can refer you to the right real property lawyer for the case. During your consultation, the lawyer can inform you about your rights and how to proceed with your situation.

Not in Riverside? There are other Lawyer Referral Services at the Bar Association of San Francisco, the Brooklyn Bar Association, and the Chicago Bar Association.

The materials in this blog are for informational purposes only, and are not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or current, and should not be relied on as legal advice. You should consult with a lawyer if you need help with a legal matter and not rely on anything you read on this blog or elsewhere on the web.

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